ABOUT SHPFLTNAT FONT VERSION 1.8 (June 22, 1989) ----------------------------------- This package should contain the following files: Shpfl -- a downloadable postscript font Shpfltnat.bmap -- Macintosh screen version of the Shpfltnat font in sizes 12, 14, 18, 24 and 36 Read me Shpfltnat 1.8 -- the file you are reading (if you can read) in Optima 12. ------------------------------------ I originally created the shpfltnat font simply to have nice-looking sharps, flats, and naturals in my dissertation, which is laser printed. Adobe's Sonata font has great-looking musical characters, but the ascending and descending values are so great that using simple sharps, flats, and naturals in the middle of double-spaced 12-point text turns the line spacing into something like quintuple spacing. Yucko. So I created Shpfltnat in order to have these characters for my dissertation, and added some other charac- ters: whole, half, quarter, eighth and sixteenth notes and rests (stems up and stems down), common and cut time symbols, and a fermata. For version 1.1, directional arrows (to outline gestural shapes), a dot (to follow note values), beamed eighth and sixteenth notes, and two squiggles were added. For the Version 1.2, Roman numerals -- both upper-and lower case -- (for so-called Roman numeral analysis), the numbers 1 through 8 with carats over them (to denote scale degrees in Schenkerian analysis), and a few symbols for tonal analysis: super- and subscripted sharps and flats, diminished and half-diminished symbols, and diminished and half-diminished symbols fol- lowed by a superscripted '7.' Version 1.2.1 added hearts (for Valentines Day). Version 1.2.2 added Hauptstimme, Nebenstimme, and ChoraleHaupstimme signs. Version 1.3 added snap pizzicato, bowing, slurs, various accents, and a smile face and frown face. Version 1.4 added coda sign, bar lines, trill stuff, Rhythmic Haupstimme sign and beam extenders. Version 1.5 added various other arrows, mordents, tremolandi and miscellaneous charac- ters. Version 1.6 added card suits and various repeating patterns and other dingbats. Version 1.7 added minims, D.S., Pedal signs, recording copyright signs and a few other dingbats. Version 1.8 added thirty time signatures, bringing the total number of characters to exactly 200. The current ver- sion has just about all the text characters needed for scholarly writings on music. Future versions will not be available as shareware. Shpfltnat 1.8 was created with Fontographer from Altsys. Version 1.8 is the LAST to be released as shareware. An IBM PC version is published by ATECH Software, Carlsbad, California. ---------------------------------- For the great unwashed, here is how to use the enclosed font: 1) Copy the file 'Shpfl' into the system folder of your startup disk. 2) Install the fonts in the file 'Shpfltnat.bmap' into your system file using Font/DA mover. You need only install the sizes you intend to use (no matter what size you use and no matter how crappola it looks on screen, it will print out smoothly on a PostScript printer). 3) Use the font in your application and print away on your PostScript printer. (Shpfltnat is not at all recommended for use on an ImageWriter or any other non-PostScript printer) ------------------------------------ Version 1.8 of Shpfltnat is Shareware -- i.e., NOT free. If you decide to use and/or keep Shpfltnat, you are obliged to send a tax-deductible contri- bution of at least $10.01 to the Columbia University Music Department, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10025. If you do not erase all copies of Shpfltnat 1.8 within two weeks after receiving a copy, you MUST send the check. Note that over 700 downloads of versions 1.0 through 1.6 generated exactly three checks, and I'm sick of the cheapness of users - f'God's sake, it's a tax deductible expense! Shpfltnat version 1.8 is by me: David Rakowski, 51 Big Tree Way, Woodside, CA 94062-3707: after August 1, 1989, I am at 605 W. 113th St. #73, New York, NY 10025. Contact me to tell me I've changed your life utterly and/or to get my address for inclusion in your will, but do not make any more sugges- tions. I am RAKMAN on GEnie and 73240,3060 on Compuserve. Shareware distri- butors, you have permission to distribute this font, but please note: the ONLY letter capitalized in the name of the font is the initial S (it is not called ShpFltNat). Permission is granted to copy and distribute this font as long as all three files listed at the top of this document are included. Scholarly published documents that use Shpfltnat MUST contain an acknowled- gement regarding the font and its author. Shpfltnat 1.8 comes to you from Bytes-From-The-Redwoods '89. So there. ---------------------------------- Following are maps of the keycaps of Shpfltnat 1.7: REGULAR KEYBOARD: SHIFT KEYBOARD: OPTION KEYBOARD: SHIFT-OPTION KEYBOARD: OTHER DIACRITICAL CHARACTERS: _________________________________ Here is a description of the characters of the font: LOWER-CASE LETTERS - hyphen s sharp f flat n natural t treble clef b bass clef a alto (tenor) clef w whole note 0 (zero) square minim g round minim h half note (stem up) q quarter note e eighth note x sixteenth note d dot (to dot a stem up note) r grace note (stem up) c Common time v dal segno sign u upbow sign p snap pizzicato ("Bartk pizzicato) sign i circled P, non-serif o circled P, non-serif, superscripted j circled P, serif k circled P, superscripted l Open heart z 5-pointed star m word balloon = a length of 5-line staff that can be extended indefinitely through typing a squiggly line made of straight line segments , (comma) short tie connecting stem up notes . (period) short tie connecting stem down notes ; (semicolon) Piano depress pedal marking ' (apostrophe) Piano release pedal marking [ (left bracket) high accent ] (right bracket) low accent 1 arrow pointing up (north) 2 arrow pointing NE 3 arrow pointing right (east) 4 arrow pointing SE 5 arrow pointing down (south) 6 arrow pointing SW 7 arrow pointing left (west) 8 arrow pointing NW y 2/2 time signature ` (tilde) 7/8 time signature 9 3/2 time signature \ smile face UPPER CASE LETTERS - Slash C Cut time F double flat S double sharp W whole note G round minim ) square minim H half note (stem down) Q quarter note E eighth note X sixteenth note D dot (to dot a stem down note) R grace note (stem down) U downbow sign O coda sign B trill sign N continue trill M end trill L filled heart < crescendo > diminuendo (or decrescendo) { (left brace) wedge accent for stem down note } (right brace) wedge accent for stem down note | (shift-backslash) frown face ? Squiggly curved line shift-1 through shift-8 -- numbers 1 through 8 with carats over them (Schenkerian scale degree notation) ~ (tilde) 8/8 time signature ( 9/8 time signature + 2/4 time signature T 3/4 time signature Y 4/4 time signature I 5/4 time signature P 6/4 time signature A 7/4 time signature J 2/8 time signature K 3/8 time signature : 4/8 time signature " 5/8 time signature Z 6/8 time signature V 12/8 time signature OPTION LETTERS option-1 through option-7 -- lower case Roman numerals option-8 diminished symbol option-9 diminished 7 symbol option-f subscripted flat option-s subscripted sharp option-z beginning of beamed eighth note group option-x middle of beamed eighth note group option-c end of beamed eighth note group option-d eighth note group beam extender option-v beginning of beamed sixteenth note group option-b middle of beamed sixteenth note group option-m end of beamed sixteenth note group option-j sixteenth note group beam extender option-h Haupstimme sign option-r Rhythmic Haupstimme sign option-n/n Nebenstimme sign option-t measure repeat option-a the font author's startling visage option-k club (card suit) option-l diamond (card suit) option-semicolon heart (card suit) option-apostrophe spade (card suit) option-q separator dingbat option-w separator dingbat, twice as wide as option-q option-, (option-comma) long tie for stem up note option-. (option-period) long tie for stem down note option-[ hat accent for stem down note option-] hat accent for stem up note option-0 (option-zero) end of Haupstimme or Nebenstimme option-\ bar line option-/ double bar option-p big dot option-g waves (repeatable pattern) option-y checkerboard repeatable pattern option-o stacked diamonds repeatable pattern option-dash stacked dots repeatable pattern option-equal sign stacked triangles repeatable pattern SHIFT-OPTION LETTERS shift-option 1 through 7 -- upper case Roman numerals shift-option 8 half-diminished symbol shift-option 9 half-diminished 7 symbol shift-option 0 mordent shift-option-dash broken mordent shift-option-equal long mordebt shift-option F fermata shift-option W whole rest shift-option H half rest shift-option Q quarter rest shift-option E eighth rest shift-option X sixteenth rest shift-option C ChoraleHaupstimme sign shift-option F superscripted flat shift-option S superscripted sharp shift-option R the monogram of the font's author shift-option T speaker icon with sound emanating shift-option Y turn shift-option U "Haupt-Ritmicus" sign shift-option I tremolo lower note to higher note shift-option O tremolo higher note to lower note shift-option P octave of a piano keyboard, C up to B shift-option J two arrows diverging from close to spaced shift-option K two arrows converging from spaced to close shift-option L curved arrow going up then back down shift-option-semicolon curved arrow going down then back up shift-option curved arrows diverging then converging shift-option-[ repeat sign, beginning shift-option-] repeat sign shift-option-comma Schoenberg "unaccented note" notation shift-option-period Schoenberg "emphasized note" notation shift-option-\ dotted bar line shift-option-/ dotted double bar shift-option Z measures rest shift-option V sine wave repeatable pattern shift-option N stacked rectangles repeatable pattern shift-option B Fermata sign. shift-option A 3/16 time signature shift-option D 5/16 time signature shift-option G 6/16 time signature shift-option M 7/16 time signature DIACRITICAL CHARACTERS (that don't show up on keyboard maps) option-e/a () 9/16 time signature option-e/e () 11/16 time signature option-e/i () 12/16 time signature option-e/o () 13/16 time signature option-e/u () 15/16 time signature option-`/a () 1/2 time signature option-`/e () 1/4 time signature option-`/i () 1/8 time signature option-`/o () 1/16 time signature option-n/n () Nebenstimme ___________________________________ NOTES ON REPEATING CHARACTERS: Several characters in the font are set up for printing repeating patterns. Most notable among them is the extended trill, using characters B, N and M; B begins the trill, N makes repeating squiggles, and M tails off the trill. Shift-option P repeated again and again will make a continuous piano key- board. A length of musical staff will be formed by repeating the equal key. Several other repeating patterns such as waves, boxes and triangles are evi- dent in the keyboard maps. ___________________________________ USERS OF EARLIER VERSIONS PLEASE NOTE: the fermata sign has been moved from shift-option f to shift-option b ("birdseye"). This was done to make room for the superscripted flat sign.